I originally wanted to do a kinetic typography video. But for one, they're getting pretty played out, I think, at least in the context of this class. I still really enjoy them (there's a Kinetic Typography channel on Vimeo that's pretty cool if anyone else likes these). Alas!, it would have taken entirely too much time; time that I cannot afford to spend. Perhaps I'll finish it on my own between semesters. Anyway, the topic was language, and kinetic typography, at least where I could find relative source material. In lieu of creating my own video, I took screen captures from one of my favorite videos that someone did with audio by Stephen Fry about language. I then applied glitching to the stills as a visual representation of the language that appears therein... except all glitchified. (I think Stephen Fry would approve of the word 'glitchify' so if you don't like it, sod off.) Enjoy!
Works Cited
Cooper, Muriel. “Computers and Design.” Design Quarterly no. 142 (1989): 1+4-31.
Marcus, Aaron. “Diagrammatic Visible Language: An Investigation of Visual Logic.” Leonardo 20, no. 1 (1987): 9-15.
Rogers Creations. "Stephen Fry Kinetic Typography - Laungauge." YouTube (September 30, 2010): <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7E-aoXLZGY> (April 14, 2012)
Stock, Oliviero and Carlo Strapparava. “Ironic Expressions and Moving
Words.” International Journal of Pattern
Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 22, no. 5 (2008): 1045-1057.
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